广东省 深圳市

With the electronics, information and communications products towards wireless portability direction of development, "light, thin, short, small" target forward for the high-performance components to the battery as bestpower supply have been widely used, but the recent recalls of batteries due to fire hazards drew worldwide concens for the safety of batteries. This resulted in more stringent quality supervision by international authorities. Chinese manufacturer are facing unprecedented challenges. Anbotek gradually to strengthen investment in batteries testing and perfecting various batteries test equipment in recent years, provides testing and certification services of battery products in terms of international safety and performance standards.

一次电池 普通干电池、碱性锌锰电池、锂锰电池 锌银电池、锌空气电池、锂碘电池…
二次镍电池 镍镉电池、镍氢电池…
手机锂电池 锂离子电池、锂聚合物电池… 
各种数码二次电池 笔记本电脑电池、数码相机电池、摄像机电池、各种圆柱型电池、无线通讯电池、便携式DVD电池、CD和MP3播放器电池,平板电脑电池等… 
铅酸蓄电池 汽车启动用铅酸蓄电池、固定型铅酸蓄电池、小型阀控密封铅酸蓄电池… 
动力二次电池 动力车用电池、电动道路车车用电池、电动工具用电池、混合动力车用电池…