供应光ZR7808 野外型光工作站
供应光ZR7808 野外型光工作站
广东省 广东省
广东省 广东省
产品简介 Introduction:
★ 野外型工作站是公司凭借积累多年研究有限电视HFC网光纤传输设备的先进经验,结合用户实际使用要求和解决双向、网管一并开通后对传输信号的相互干扰,专门为HFC结构的双向城域宽带网而开发的第四代双向光接点设备。本产品设计时,充分考虑了FTS(光纤到服务小区)的网络拓扑结构,CATV双向网回传通道汇集噪声的工程技术难题和现代CATV业务高可靠性的网络安全传输要求;对内部线路结构进行了反复优化改进,并内建完善的状态监控电路,具SCTE HMS标准及IEC网管标准相兼容的网管功能,可通过网管应答器,实现设备的远程网管监控,使该设备成为构建高品质双向HFC城域宽带网络的首选产品。
It is the Bi-directional Optical Connecting equipment which is suitable for the HFC structure of Bi-directional district broad band network. Plug-in inspecting circuit, have the function of SCTE, HMS and IEC standard network compact. It could be long-distance controlled by network responder.
★ 下行光接收部分选用了PHILIPS、PHOTON等高灵敏度PIN光检波器,确保了整机优异的C/N指标;射频放大部分前级采用进PHILIPS或MOTOROLA低噪声推挽放大模块,输出级采用进口PHILIPS或MOTOROLA功率倍增放大模块(也可根据用户要求,选用砷化镓功率倍增放大模块),确保了整机优异的C/CTB和C/CSO指标。Adopt HILIPS, PHOTON and PIN high-reliable optical inspector, make sure the good index of the C/N. Imported the PHILIPS or MOTORALA low-noisy push-pull amplify module and PHILIPS or MOTOROLA double power module to make sure the good index of the C/CTB, C/CSO.
★ 上行回传部分选用了PHILIPS低噪声反向放大模块,作为前置放大电路,并选用高性能DFB激光器作为反向回传光源,确保了反向传链路优异的NPR指标。
Adopt the PHILIPS low-noisy return amplify module, chose the DFB laser to be the return optical source to make sure the good index of the NPR.
★ 全积木式模块设计,可配置两个光接收模块、两个回传光发射模块,并配置两个电源模块,有效提高了系统的可靠性和安全性。
Configured two optical receiving module, two return optical transmit module and two power supply at the most to make sure the reliability and safety of the system.
★ 四个输出端口将可输出108dBuv的高电平信号,每路均由一枚功率倍增模块独立放大, 每路的输出电平和输出斜列均独立可调;在无后级延放或用户放的情况下,直接驱动100个左右的终端用户。
108dBuV from four output ports, every port can be adjusted separately, driving about 100 terminal consumers without any amplifier devices.
★ 插件式又工滤波器,插件式固定均衡器、固定衰减器,科学合理的在线检测口,使工程调试更方便。 Plug-in fix dual-filter, fix ATT and EQ for the testing port to make sure adjusting conveniently.
★ 上行回传部分在双向滤波器反向输出端加有低噪前置放大器,补偿反向混合进损耗,以满足用户端反向信号至光站输出口低电平(70dB uv左右)情况,明显改善反向噪声。
Adopt Bi-directional filter in return part and low-noisy pre-amplifier in reverse part, compensate the loss of the reverse part to meet the low level (70dBuV) from signal to optical output port, improving the reverse noise.
★ 上行回传部分中间放大器模块前后预留高低通滤波器插件位置。高通滤波器(15M1G或由用户指定)用抑制用户端产生的15MHz以下的噪声。两级低通滤波器(565M由用户指定)用抑制正向85MHz以上通过双向滤波器串入反向通道的信号,有效防止反向激光器过载。
High-access filter (15M~1G or choose) restrain the noise 15MHz. Low-access filter (5-65M or choose) restrain forward 85MHz signal which pass from Dual-filter to return path, prevent over carry of the return laser.
★ 铸铝防水外壳,高可靠性的开关电源,严密的防雷击系统,确保了设备能在野外恶劣环境中长期稳定工作。 Waterproof cast-aluminum housing, high-reliable switch power, anti-thunder system, make sure the properly operation.