
bauma China 2014(上海宝马展): 提前启动全球买家邀请

吊索商情网 2013-09-18

  2014年11月25日-28日,第七届中国国际工程机械、建材机械、工程车辆及设备博览会bauma China 2014(上海宝马展)将在中国上海举行。 展会由德国慕尼黑国际博览集团 (MMI)、慕尼黑展览(上海)有限公司 (MMI-SH)、中国工程机械工业协会 (CCMA)、中国国际贸易促进委员会机械行业分会 (CCPIT-MSC)、中工工程机械成套有限公司 (CNCMC)联合主办。2014年展览面积将达到30万平米,参展企业近3000家,专业观众将突破18万。

  “走出去”成行业共识 放眼中国周边市场


  经过了“黄金十年”,由于中国国内工程机械市场存量设备饱和度较高、工程机械企业经营压力加大,业内竞争加剧及景气度持续低迷,在这种环境下,中国工程机械企业要想在激烈的竞争中立于不败之地,应注重两条腿走路,即进一步挖掘国际市场需求,提升开拓国际市场技能。面对巨大的库存,很多企业已经将目光投向全球海外市场。此时此刻, “走出去”开拓市场已经成为行业共识。


  凸显国际化理念 专业买家数量将再创历史


  慕尼黑国际博览集团放眼全球工程机械市场,在2011年携手美国设备制造商协会(AEM)在印度开辟bc India,2013年9月再度携手美国设备制造商协会(AEM)在南非举办bauma Africa。举办这两个展会一个重要的意图就是要与当地的合作伙伴,当地的用户建立密切的联系。通过在当地的举办展会,发现当地的需求,从而可以吸引更多的海外买家关注在中国举行的上海宝马展和在慕尼黑举办的德国宝马展,将中国和德国等适合当地需求的工程机械引入当地市场。



  在展会上,三一重工现场签订38亿元的合同。徐工建机在展会中签定的合作项目和采购协议总价值超过10亿元。厦工挖掘机在展会中订单累计过5亿元,此外展会还提供了众多潜在和意向客户。预计显示,bauma China 2014将吸引大量来自亚非拉发展中国家和地区的专业观众现场观摩和洽谈商机。



  此外,慕尼黑国际博览集团还在亚洲、俄罗斯、中东、南美洲及南非举办各类专业博览会。其业务网络覆盖全球, 不仅在欧洲和亚洲拥有12家子公司,还在全球90余个国家设有60多个海外业务代表处。同时,慕尼黑国际博览集团也在可持续发展领域中扮演着领军者的角色:集团是第一家获得由官方技术认证机构TÜV SÜD授予节能证书的展览公司。更多信息:www.messe-muenchen.de

  bauma China 2014: Global Visitors Promotion Starts in Advance

  bauma China 2014 takes place at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre from November 25 to 28, 2014. It is organized by Messe München International (MMI), MMI (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (MMI-SH), China Construction Machinery Association (CCMA), China Council for the Promotion of International Trade – Machinery Sub-Council (CCPIT–MSC), China Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. (CNCMC). bauma China 2014 is expected to have 3,000 exhibitors and over 180,000 visitors gathering at the exhibition area of 300,000 square meters.

  “Expand market out of China” is the industry consensus

  “At present, the capacity of China excavator industry has been over 400,000 annually, but the global capacity of excavators has not yet reached that number. Although many construction machinery manufacturers have a planned cut of production, there is still a backlog of products in stock.” One official of China Construction Machinery Association pointed out the difficult problem faced by China construction machinery enterprises.

  After the “golden ten years”, China domestic construction machinery market saturation is high; the enterprises have great pressures of management; the competition has increased under the depressed economy. To stand out the fierce competition, then the Chinese construction machinery enterprises should further tap the international market demand and improve the skills to expand the market as well. In face of the overstock, many enterprises have focused on the overseas market. At present, “expand market out of China” has been the industry consensus.

  Despite the industry downturn, the global construction machinery has entered the important development stage of new adjustment, revolution, and breakthrough. Brazil, Russia, India, South Africa and other BRICS have increasing market demand for construction machinery; South America, CIS, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Africa and other developing countries still have a huge potential market. Thus, China construction machinery enterprises will have brand new developing opportunities. The organizers of bauma China 2014 take the initiative to analyze the global market demand, and focus on the China’s neighboring countries that have extensive infrastructure construction launched.

  Highlight the concept of internationalizationNumber of trade buyers will create a new record

  The organizers of bauma China 2014 have well planned to strengthen the overseas visitor promotion to help Chinese construction machinery companies to expand market out of China, and facilitate them to make industry upgrading by getting the latest information of the global industry. Generally speaking, the work of exhibitor promotion starts a year before the show opens, while the visitor promotion starts half a year before. However, the global visitor promotion of bauma China 2014 starts unprecedentedly from September 2013, which is over a year before its opening.

  Messe München International (MMI) take a broad view of the global construction machinery market, and opened up bc India together with Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) in India. And from 18 to 21 September 2013, these two organizers will again cooperate to hold bauma Africa in South Africa. The two exhibitions have the common important attention, that is, to cooperate with the local partners and build up close contacts with the customers. To hold the exhibitions and find the local demands will attract more overseas visitors to join bauma China in Shanghai and bauma in Munich and get suitable machines made in China and Germany to their market.

  According to statistics, bauma China 2012 has attracted 150,000 visitors and the top ten countries of visitor numbers are India, Malaysia, Russia, Singapore, Japan, Germany, USA, Australia, Indonesia and South Korea. In addition, there are also buyers from South America, Middle East and other emerging markets. At present, China construction machinery industry suffers from the downturn and continues to explore new markets; however, the international market is still optimistic about the Chinese market. the organizers of bauma China 2014 start the preparing work in advance, expand the period of visitor promotion to expect about 180,000 visitors this time, which provides abundant opportunities for Chinese enterprises showcasing themselves.

  Messe München International (MMI) holds extensive trade shows in Asia, Russia, Middle East, South America and Africa. With twelve affiliates abroad – in Europe and in Asia – and over 60 foreign representatives actively serving over 90 countries, it has a worldwide business network. Messe München International has launched the extensive promotion for bauma China 2014 through the global network. That’s an important guarantee that bauma China owns a large number of overseas buyers that keeps growing steadily.

  At bauma China 2012, Sany has sealed the contracts of 3.8 billion RMB; XCMG has made its cooperation projects and purchase contracts worth of over 1 billion RMB; the orders of XGMA excavators have more than 0.5 billion RMB. Besides, bauma China also provided many potential customers. It is estimated that bauma China 2014 will attract a large number of trade visitors from Asia, Africa, South America and other developing countries to come to visit and do business.

  Messe München International

  Messe München International is one of the world´s leading trade show companies. In Munich alone it organizes around 40 trade shows for capital and consumer goods, and key high tech industries. Each year more than 30,000 exhibitors and around two million visitors take part in the events held at Messe München exhibition center, the ICM – International Congress Center München, and in the MOC Veranstaltungscenter München. The leading international trade fairs of Messe München International are all FKM-certified, i.e. exhibitor and visitor numbers and the figures for exhibition space are collected in line with agreed standards and independently audited on behalf of the FKM (Gesellschaft zur Freiwilligen Kontrolle von Messe- und Ausstellungszahlen), a society for the voluntary monitoring of fair and exhibition statistics.

  In addition, Messe München International organizes trade shows in Asia, Russia, the Middle East, South America and South Africa. With twelve affiliates abroad – in Europe and in Asia – and over 60 foreign representatives actively serving over 90 countries, Messe München International has a worldwide business network. The Group also takes a pioneering role as regards sustainability: It is the first trade-fair company to be awarded energy-efficiency certification from the technical inspection authorities TÜV SÜD. Further information: www.messe-muenchen.de

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